пятница, 24 апреля 2015 г.

Helping Hads

There a lot of disasters and issues on the Earth. The largest issues is : natural disasters , pollution , animal extinction , disease , poverty , illiteracy , famine , child labour , war , holessness ,global warming , unemployment.
1) To stop pollution and extinction , we must recycle all our trash , stop throw poisonous waste to rivers and oceans from factories , clean out all water supplies , stop overfishing and involve poeple to it . 
2)To solve issues like poverty , famine , illiteracy , desease , child labour , war ,homelessness, we must organise charity events , raise money to charity , make donations and involve people to that events , build schools in cuntries like Iran , Pakistan , Sudan .
3) To end up global warming , we must stop deforestation , stop pollution , stop wars , plant trees and involve peolple to it .
4) To solve issue of unemployment , we must build safe for enirovments work places like : sollar panel station , recycle centre .
5) To be ready for natural disaster like tsunami , flood , drought , we must organise volounteer and rescue teams , build warning alarm systems and involve people to it .

понедельник, 20 апреля 2015 г.

5 H 5

Dear George ,
How are thing ? I`ve been at Camp "Kind Turtle" for a week now , where  I`m working this summer as a team leader and I realy loved it here !
Camp "Kind Turtle" is an сamp of the protection of endangered species like a loggerhead sea turtle . You proubably think that all we do here is learn about rare animals , but it isnt like that at all. Yesterday we went to the ocean to clean it from trash , and last night we all sat around a campfire and told horror stories . We also organise lots of fun eco-projects with my peer . We`ve already grown loggerhead turtle from the egg what we found on the beach .
The best part about this camp is thatwe help the endangered species and still have fun . I`m responsible for small group of my peer , and that can be though (like when I have to lead everyone in my group ) but my team is a great .
I hope you`re having a great summer , too . Write back when you get a chance .
All the best ,

пятница, 17 апреля 2015 г.

5 F ``chek these words``

set a world record - установить мировой рекорд
champ - чемпион
sunscreen -  крем против загара
physical pain - физическая боль
dreams come true - осуществить мечты
quit - выход
association - объединение
raise money - собирать деньги
make a donation - сделать пожертвование
challenge - вызов
desert - пустыня
nasty fall - неудачное падение
motivate - мотивировать

p 80 № 4

HI ! Before yesterday I  arrived in Port - au - Prince , Haiti with sightseeing tour . Today is happened terrible . All what were works , shine , friendly , open yesterday , now under the tons rubble . A lot of people lost their homes and must live on the less damaged streets with no running water . There is fear in th air . All fear that now the earthquake will happened again . There are a lot of marauders . They taking all what they can take . On the streets , roofs , ruble are rescue and volunteer teams . They rescuing people what survive under the ruble , give medical supplies and food and medical help to people . Its scary and terrible !!!

пятница, 3 апреля 2015 г.


unemployment - безработица
racism - расизм
pollution - загрязнение
global warming - глобальное потепление
endangered animals - вымирающие животные
deforisation - вырубка лесов
homelessness - бездомность
drought - засуха
flood - потоп
earthquake  - землетрясение
forest fire - лесные пожары
tornado - торнадо
tsunami - цунами
hurricane - ураган
volunteer team - команда волонтеров
destroy - уничтожить
affect -влиять
injury - травма
suffer - страдать
challenge -вызов
clear - расчищать
rubble - щебень
rescue team - спасательная команда
wage - заработная плата
conditions - условия
running water - проточная вода
medical supplies - медикаменты
awful - ужасный
If people continue deforisation of Earth , the global warming will progres .